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Our solution: Locations

Like people data, location data (offices, warehouses, factories, shops) are a crucial ingredient in the full view of a business. Despite the apparent simplicity of defining these data, the owners (the real estate or the HR department) of the information can use different naming conventions or may leave out key information such as how many floors an office consists of. If the locations are supplied by different sources, different languages may be used – which could lead to confusion during a disaster. For obvious reasons we assign every physical entity with a precise geolocation which, in some cases, needs to be confirmed by a colleague in that factory, shop or office.

The most important question of all though is whether a location has a recovery plan. Where are the gathering spots in case of an office evacuation? Does everyone know the address of the nearest hospital or how to contact emergency response services? Who in a location is responsible for administering and updating the recovery plan?

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